Ruhi Khanna
Share market is among the extensively used methods for investing people's valuable earning and for earning more money

In the present scenario, the Indian Share Market is being heavily driven by corporate performance in the FMCG, auto, technology, metal, financial and healthcare sectors. With most of the companies in all the sectors performing positively, the day when sensex and nifty will cross 20,000 and 6,000 mark, respectively, is not far away. Although it would be smart of you to invest in the live share market, the results may not always be what you expect. In other words, the return on your investments can be sometimes more than your expectations, or can also be way less than what you expect.
However, all the investors who put their money in BSE or NSE market do not necessarily get maximum returns. Some might get to face losses repeatedly. Hence, one can clearly infer that investing in any of the segments involves risk. Your returns will majorly depend on the way your risks are managed, the level of knowledge you possess, your financial strategies and goals, how much updated you are with live happenings surrounding share market in India and beyond, among others.
The Indian share market is highly volatile just like any other market in the world. Market experts generally advise investors and traders to diversify their investment portfolios as much as possible. There are many investment options available in the market that have varying risks factors, rates of return, etc. Some of these options are commodities, forex, mutual funds, etc.
However, investors still prefer to invest in the traditional financial instruments. This can be attributed to the fact that the investors are quite educated and aware of these traditional instruments, hence they are comfortable investing in it. The traditional financial instruments include share trading.
A trader engaged in share trading buys or sells scrip at a price that is determined by the movements in the share market. Share investing or trading provide the investor with shared ownership of the company in question, along with dividends and voting rights.
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